get bonding total value
get bonding info for submit
bond submit
get format staking info list
get staking total value
get staking info for submit
stake submit
unstake submit
Layout with decode/encode types.
Layout for a TokenAccount.
balance store
bonding store
message store
pool store
rewards store
staking store
token price store
tokens store
vesting store
zapping store
global config provider for Pngfi api
The keypair of the account to be created.
solana provider
Get historical market data include price, market cap, and 24h volume (granularity auto)
List all supported coins price, market cap, volume, and market related data
get distributor
List of distributors
List of distributor rewards
Request multiple interfaces API and return a fast and stable price.
Request multiple interfaces API and return multiple fast and stable token's price.
Get the current price of any cryptocurrencies in any other supported currencies that you need.
Get current price of tokens (using contract addresses) for a given platform in any other currency that you need.
get userPublicKey of PngfiProvider config
Generated using TypeDoc
get format bonding info list